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  • Anthropic launches Claude 3, with better testing scores than GPT-4, Gemini Ultra

Anthropic launches Claude 3, with better testing scores than GPT-4, Gemini Ultra

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Top stories today:

  1. Anthropic launches Claude 3, outperforming GPT-4, Gemini Ultra
  2. Apple fined €1.84B by EU for App Store practices
  3. Macbook Air gets M3 chip, support for 2 monitors
  4. Bitcoin briefly tops 68K, nearing all-time record of 69K
  5. China announces 2024 targets: 5% GDP growth, 3% CPI
  6. Bezos surpasses Elon as world’s #1 richest, as Tesla stock -7%
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0. Data and calendar

All values as of 6 AM ET / 3 AM PT, other than S&P500 and NASDAQ close (4 PM ET / 1 PM PT).

All times are ET.

1. Anthropic launches Claude 3, with better testing scores than GPT-4, Gemini Ultra

  • But no image or video generation, yet.

  • 200K context window as the default, but devs can request access to a 1M context window model, as they can for Google’s Gemini.

Claude 3 Opus, its strongest version, has its API costing 2.5x more than GPT-4 Turbo, while Claude 3 Haiku costs similarly to GPT-3.5

Our view: LLM performance may be plateauing with current techniques

  • Anthropic’s and Google’s latest models only slightly beat OpenAI’s on some metrics. We’re not seeing anything revolutionary.

  • GPT-4 was launched on Mar. 14, 2023, and likely created ~6 months prior, before undergoing testing.

OpenAI soon after announced "Read Aloud" on ChatGPT's app

A marginal feature:

2. Apple fined €1.84B by EU for alleged anti-competitive App Store practices

It is one the 3rd largest fines the EU has ever given to a tech company under existing rules:

  • EU says Apple restricted Spotify and others from informing users of payment options.

  • Fine equals 0.5% of Apple's revenue, including a €40M base penalty and a €1.8B deterrent.

  • Apple to appeal decision, saying “no evidence of consumer harm” and “no evidence of anti-competitive behavior.”


4. Macbook Air gets M3 chip, support for 2 monitors

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